Sunday, January 17, 2010


This comment came to me today from a fellow seeker. I found it to be very powerful and inspiring. It went something like this... The beauty is in the mystery of not knowing who we really are.
Thanks J.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

My Home Studio

With the help of my friend Bill, thanks Bill, I created a new work surface in my home studio space. That way if I don't want to venture out on these cold winter days I have a great surface to work on right at home. It's a 4'x8' sheet of homesote attached to a piece of plywood. The homesote is soft enough to allow push pins to go in to the surface. You can attach the homesote directly to the wall if you like. Now all that I need to do is tack up some paper and get creating. You can too if you like. You should be able to get homesote at your local lumberyard. Don't let them look at you like your crazy when you say homesote. It's a brand name and it does exist. Have fun.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Okay one last thing for the day. Have you noticed that I'm my own follower? Well that happened by mistake and i did mildly try to delete it, but then sort of liked the idea of being my own follower. yeah, yeah, I'm a Leo, we can't help ourselves.

created sept.2009 during Expressive drawing workshop

Size: approx. 48"x40"

created sept.2009 during Expressive drawing workshop

Size: approx. 48"x40"

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year...2010 Here we go again.

I thought that I would pick a card from the Creative Transformation card deck. A new year message for all of us.
shuffle,shuffle, goes.


Relax into life today and become more light-hearted.

Learn to laugh at yourself first.

Laughter is the food that nurtures the divine part of you

and allows your heart to lighten up from the deepest level of your being.

You are only as light as you allow yourself to be.

Surrender to the love and joy in you and around you
and be the lightest being possible.

Today I choose to lighten up...just a little bit more.